Kyushu Sangyo University Library || Kyushu Sangyo University, Zokei Junior College of Art and Design Library

User's Guide


3-1 Matsukadai 2-chome, Higashi-ku,Fukuoka 813-8503 Japan


Located on a hill on the campus property, KSU’s library, a brick building with four stories above ground and one story below, collects, classifies and stores books and information necessary for research and education activities. Such library materials are available for use not only by KSU’s students and faculty but also for the general public.

Library facilities include 40 PCs, 30 notebook PCs, and 20 AV booths. Also, the library has a browsing room on the first floor and a lounge on the third floor, where library users can relax.

Learning support

The library contains textbooks actually used in KSUʼs classes, as well as books and reference materials designated in KSUʼs syllabuses.

Career support

The library contains textbooks and other materials useful for job hunting and qualification acquisition.

Research support

The library provides access to a wide variety of electronic databases. Also, to support campus life of KSUʼs students, the library contains bestselling books, newspapers, magazines, DVDs, and etc.

Collection (As of the end of March 2024)

Division Kyushu Sangyo University Kyushu Sangyo University, Zokei Junior College of Art and Design
Books Japanese 558,674 30,637
International 251,018 3,695
Total 809,692 34,332
Audio-visual materials Japanese 26,318 1,167
International 7,697 37
Total 34,015 1,204
Magazines Japanese 2,352 -
International 3,068 -
Total 5,420 -
Other Electronic journals 31,540 -
Electronic databases 16 -

*The number of books indicated above includes these audio-visual materials.

Floor Guide

Introduction to Facilities

What are library materials?

Library materials are books, magazines, and audiovisual materials, among others held in possession by the library.

Opening Hours

Mon. - Fri. Sat. Sun. / Public holidays
During classes 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM Closed
During exams 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
During other times 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Closed Closed

Closed days

In addition to Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays mentioned above, the library will be closed during the following days:

  • National holidays
  • Year-end and New Year holidays
  • Entrance ceremonies
  • Graduation ceremonies
  • Entrance examinations
  • And any other specified days

※Temporary closures and changes in closing hours will be announced on the library website and the bulletin board.

How to Enter and Exit

How to Enter

How to Exit


Reading Room materials can be used freely taken out from the shelves.

Loan Period and Number of Items

Borrowing, Extension, Returning, and Reserving

Finding Materials

Arrangement of Materials

Precautions in the library

  • Please note that there may be loud noises when dealing with patrons at the counter and visitors.
  • Please handle library materials with care (do not damage, scribble, or cut out anything).
  • After utilizing materials, please do not return them directly to the shelves. Instead, place them on the red return rack in each reading room.
  • Please do not bring in soup or food from the cafeteria.
  • Please go to the cellphone rooms on the 1st and 3rd floors to use your cellphones.
  • Please keep your personal belongings with you at all times.

E-resources accessible from off-campus

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